Release Notes
Incorrect AMF response displayed when more than 10 AMF calls where bundled
Memory leak fixed around clicking on multiple image requests
Firefox plugin fix (looks like it was broken in versil 2.0.14)
Bundled HTTP requests displayed properly
Blank query string parameters no longer inherit previous parameter values
Connection to browser properly timing out (response never coming back)
JSON requests deserialized on first click
Fix to request parameters displayed multiple times
Mac fix to auto setup Flash debug player
Request detail now fixed for Decrypted SSL sessions
Response headers not displayed multiple times
Display AMF service/method for calls that are AMF0 but say they are AMF3
Fixed [] character bug in took Column
Fixed bug with hanging on startup (checking for newer version)
Improved performance on Object Tree display
Build for 64-bit Macs only
Log file events now fire even when log file modified time doesn't change
Upstream proxy server used for trial and activation
Improved handling of servers with invalid Keep Alive headers
Fixed crash when clicking on HTTP responses with no code
Fix to license upgrade process
Ability to watch any text based log file and have entries viewable in ServiceCapture
Save and Restore sessions
See trace output from Flash Player
Mozilla/Firefox extension to automatically handle proxy settings
Map URLs to local directories
Resend/test any HTTP request
Capture include/exclude based on URL regexp
Images displayed in response area
Record/pause/launch directly from Firefox
Faster startup time
Session cached to harddrive instead of memory (support of longer sessions)
Automatically checks for updates on startup
Signed MSI and EXE files
No longer needs to run as administrator with Vista
Much better Vista support
JSON request/responses parsed with leading comments
request/responses parsed with invalid HTTP headers
request/responses handled with incorrect content length and keep alive
Full post data seen as XML or text
Updated to latest SWT libraries
SQL and other debug messages displayed form Cold Fusion
Reverted back the AMF parsing if server responds with text content-type (now a setting under "settings")
Fix for AMFphp build that sends AMF0 data as if it was AMF3
Improved handling of Externalizable Objects
Special handling of BlazeDS classes
AMF Parsing occurs even if server responds with text content-type
Fix for Mac computers that constantly re-activate
Fixed parsing of AMF3 Arrays with both indexes and keys
AMF3 XML String for byte type 7 (also 11?)
AMF3 XML String deserialization fixed
AMF3 Byte Array deserialization fixed
Fixed some deserialization issues in AMF3 that effect large objects and large integers
Fixed missing SSL keystore on mac
WARINING: PC users will be asked to provide your serial number on upgrade.
- this build changes the licensing/trial software
Fixed problem with object reference mixups in AMF3
Faster load
App no longer maximizes on start (you can change it back in settings menu)
MAC ONLY: Fixed issue with application not starting correctly (bouncing icon forever)
Fixed bug related Intel Macs
Removed old swt packages
Fixed problem with new AMFPHP version and extra bodycounts
Universal Mac Binaries (Mac Intel Support)
updated SSL certificate (had expired)
minor SSL decryption bug
Extranous error messages introduced in previous build
NTLM authentication support
Autodetection of local proxy bypass
Added "starts with" and "contains" comparison for url to file mapping
Fixes to AMF XML data type
Final Macintosh version
AMF 3.0 for ColdFusion
AMF 3.0 (beta) - I am providing the full specification on
bug related to detecting upstream proxy servers
ability to double click on request parameters to retrieve larger multiline text
Server error response text tab now available
further improved non-LAN connection detection
small bug with IE7 (beta) connections
improved IE configurations to handle non-LAN connections
fixed bug with amf simple result types being "gone" on second selection
Enabled handling of non UTF characters being returned by AMFPHP
Fixed bug with "Modify IE settings" check box not persisting
URL to file mapping, beautiful new feature to test local files against remote environments
Icon updates
Now identifies previous crashes and corrects proxy settings
SOAP response and request object deserialization
JSON response and request object deserialization
JSON-RPC display similar to SOAP and Flash Remoting
Javascript text display
Capture all text content (post and response)
Fixed bug with copy enabled on right click after select all in xml viewers
Fixed bug with no icon for splash screen
Fixed bug with possible use case of 2 instances running
Top most window setting
Fix to allow upstream SSL proxies
Fix to AMF detection (bug introduced in 1.1.15)
Decryption and display of SSL (opt in)
Capture of SSL connections
Bug fix for capturing Flash Remoting when server specifies the encoding within content type
HTTP Header syntax hilighting
XML parsing and syntax hilighting
Link to release notes(this page) added to "Check for Updates" dialog
Added alt keys to menu items
F5 now clears session
Decreased the default max session entries to 5000
XML Parser now handles unspecified UTF-16 encoding
XML tab added for detected Flash XML.sendAndLoad POST data
Minor performance improvements
Problems with crashes on startup with slower machines
shutdown command added
prevention of running two applications at once
Capture settings from the menu are saved between application sessions
Bug fixed with manual proxy port being appended between saving settings
Fixed bug caused when loopback addresses are requested through non local proxies
Fixed bug with turning off auto configuration scripts in ie on startup
Ability to override autodetect and specify a proxy server
Ability to turnoff proxy changes to ie and firefox.js
Now displays POST request parameters for "multipart/form-data" and "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data
Removed text editors that appeared on click of remoting values - this functionality is now replaced with double click that opens text edit dialog
Fixed bug with data export columns offset by 1
Merged single and multi-pack licenses into one install and update (those upgrading from multi-packs may have to re-enter licenses)
Ability to double click on remoting properties and open trace window for viewing - This is a must-have for viewing large string properties
Ability to turn off remoting tab for recordset results to improve performance on large recordsets
Ability to customize bandwidth throttle settings
Bug with AMF faults not showing all error text.
Bug with not all settings being restored on "Restore Defaults"
Improved accuracy of bandwidth simulation
Fixed problem with inaccurate performance times on keep-alive connections
Added a MAX number of request/responses to settings, after this is reached oldest items are removed.
Added "Prevent Caching" feature
Fixed problem with SSL connections being passed through when using Firefox
Fixed problem with AMF recursion related to request references
Fix to problem with identifing php faults
Added debug tab for netdebug traces sent from server
Fixed problem with sorting by total size
Changed grouped amf messages to have "-" for size to prevent confusion of two different requests
Ability to customize columns in main session view
Added link to Help Forums in menu
Reorganized menus and added icons
Ability to save settings
Fixed bug with sorting by type
Update check and download goes through chained proxy
Setting to turn off auto tab focus based on type
Fixed bug with selected remoting values lingering after tab change
Fixed bug with previous selected REQUEST remoting value displayed on next selection
New fault tab added and defaulted to on remoting errors
Fixed problem that occurs when server ignores client request for HTTP 1.0
Added CSV export for session data
Added ability to upgrade from within the application
Removed requirement to uninstall before upgrade
Fixed problem with SOAP XML tab not removing itself
Added Performance tab for request/response times and size
Made status and time resizable
Fixed bug related to xml content sent in amf packet was not being serialized correctly
Fixed bug related to object references not being reestablished on amd deserialization
Improved SOAP detection and handling
Fixed bug where response codes and amf traffic did not show up when requested locally (off harddrive or from Flash IDE)
Added autoscrolling if the scrollbar is at the bottom of the table
Top level amf result type displayed for custom classes
Fixed problem with keeping HTTP1.0 connections alive, caused amf to display in ServiceCapture but never return to flash
Added text selection on remoting tabs, crucial if you want to copy large strings
Support for Java 1.4.2
Fixed bug with content compressed by web servers in the "gzip" algorithm not being correctly returned, due to a threading issue.
Changed slower bandwidths to send smaller chunks of data between pauses to better simulate true traffic
Session summary was added
Bandwidth Throttling added
"Open in browser" right click menu was changed to "view in browser"
Trial and copy protection added
Added recordset tab for better display of AMF recordsets